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  2. Sticks
  3. CCM RibCor Trigger 8 Pro

CCM Trigger 8 Pro LH Pro Stock Hockey Stick 90 Flex P28M New NHL VIG (13081)

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CategoryHockey > Sticks
BrandCCM Hockey SticksCCM
ModelCCM RibCor Trigger 8 Pro Hockey StickRibCor Trigger 8 Pro
Hand Left Hand Hockey SticksLeft
Flex 86 - 90
Condition New
Pro Stock Pro Stock Hockey SticksPro Stock
Pattern P28M, Toe Pattern Hockey SticksToe
Age Group Senior Hockey SticksSenior
Stick Length 69"
Extension Extended
QuantityMore than 1 available

Make: CCM Model: Trigger 8 Pro Hand: LH Flex: 90 Curve: P28M (max height blade) Grip: Yes Height: 69" (3" fused extension) against the wall Specs: T Shaft

Perfect stick for:
Offensive players who want a lightweight, quick-release stick.

The CCM RibCor Trigger 8 Pro hockey stick is designed for fast, agile shots with its low-kick flex profile, perfect for snap shots and one-timers. It features Dual-Feel blade technology for enhanced puck control and Nanolite Shield Technology that reduces weight without sacrificing durability. Built for durability, this stick continues the series' legacy of high performance.

The Trigger 8 Pro represents everything CCM has to throw into its battle with the Bauer Vapor. It's great for players who want a quick release, accuracy, and puck feel. Its improvements in durability address previous concerns, making the Trigger 8 Pro a strong contender in the high-end hockey stick market. The low kickpoint allows for rapid shot execution, ideal for players who often find themselves in tight spaces needing to get shots off quickly.

Jon Leung

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