Sell on the #1 marketplace in sports
- Our mission is to make sports more affordable, while keeping gear out of landfills.
- Listings are promoted to our community of 1,000,000+ athletes and fans.
- SidelineSwap pricing guidance helps you sell quickly while earning the most for your gear.
- Buyers pay for shipping by default, so all you need to do is print, pack and ship.
- Cash out your earnings to any bank, spend them on SidelineSwap, donate to a charity, or convert to a partner gift card.
Tap or drop your photo
Click upload or drag and drop photos
Suggested angles





Right Side

Left Side



Better photos = More sales
- Take photos in natural light and remove any clutter from the background
USDShipping Details
Use SidelineSwap Shipping Label
Adding shipping insurance will deduct 1% of the sale price of the item from your earnings. Learn more.
Use Your Own Shipping Label
For North American (US & CA) shipments only. Collect the shipping cost, minus our standard seller fee, when the swap is completed. Learn more here.
We make shipping easy
- We strongly encourage sellers to use our suggested weight and dimensions.
- After your item sells, you’ll receive a prepaid shipping label.
- Offer a shipping discount to sell your items even faster
Estimated Resale Value
Based on undefined sales
Typically Sells For