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One Ball Jay 4WD Three Pack: Warm, Universal, Cold

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CategorySkiing > Training, Accessories, Backcountry & Other > Tuning & Wax
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Type Wax Ski Tuning & WaxWax
QuantityMore than 1 available

One Ball Jay 4WD Three Pack: Warm, Universal, Cold Convenient three-pack of wax bars from ONE MFG! 4WD Snowboard and Ski Wax are great all-purpose waxes at a great price. Race-proven formulas using the highest quality of hydrocarbon waxes. Hot Waxing: The base must be clean and dry. Hot wax your base with the temperature-specific wax for best results. Let wax cool completely and scrape with a plastic scraper. Brush out the remaining wax from the base and polish smooth. ONE MFG's Advice: Choosing the right wax for the conditions can be a tough task when you are prepping the night before. You can't know for sure what the air temps will be let alone what the snow temps are going to be the next day. So how do you choose the right temperature wax? Well it's a guessing game predicting the weather in general but we can use some historical or regional data, along with some guesstimation between what the outside air temp is going to be. Keep in mind that when getting really technical in racing conditions, your snow temperature changes throughout the day and you might need to reapply different temp wax to match. *See second pic for temp chart. No additives. Contains no flouro Made in the USA Package Includes: (1) bar Warm = 32ºF to 28ºF (0ºC to -2ºC) 165g (1) bar Cool/Universal = 28ºF to 21ºF (-2ºC to -6ºC) 165g (1) bar Cold = 21ºF to 5ºF (-5ºC to -15ºC) 165g Totals: 3 bars of 165g /5.8 oz = 495g elm.clearfix{*zoom:1}.clearfix:before,.clearfix:after{display:table;line-height:0;content:""}.clearfix:after{clear:both}.hide-text{font:0/0 a;color:transparent;text-shadow:none;background-color:transparent;border:0}.input-block-level{display:block;width:100%;min-height:30px;-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box}article,aside,details,figcaption,figure,footer,header,hgroup,nav,section{display:block}audio,canvas,video{display:inline-block;*display:inline;*zoom:1}audio:not([controls]){display:none}html{font-size:100%;-webkit-text-size-adjust:100%;-ms-text-size-adjust:100%}a:focus{outline:thin dotted #333;outline:5px auto -webkit-focus-ring-color;outline-offset:-2px}a:hover,a:active{outline:0}sub,sup{position:relative;font-size:75%;line-height:0;vertical-align:baseline}sup{top:-0.5em}sub{bottom:-0.25em}img{width:auto\9;height:auto;max-width:100%;vertical-align:middle;border:0;-ms-interpolation-mode:bicubic}#map_canvas img,.google-maps img{max-width:none}button,input,select,textarea{margin:0;font-size:100%;vertical-align:middle}button,... Brand: OneBall Item Weight: 907 Season: Winter Sport/Activity: Skiing/Snowboarding

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