Toko Ski Vise Freeride - 5560037 | Wide Skis Strong Home Ski Tuning Equipment
Don't try to jerry-rig a regular ski vise when tuning and waxing your freeride or jumping skis. The Toko Ski Vise Freeride was built to accommodate wider skis. Toko's ski vise for fat skis has a center clamp for security underfoot and tip and tail stabilizers. These adjustable vises secure skis to your tuning bench quickly and easily. The center jaws open up to 155mm to accommodate fat skis. Rotate this ski vise for wide skis between 60° and 90° for the best possible platform while tuning edges. With such a large jaw opening, these vises can firmly grip the sidewall of your wider jumping skis and freeride skis. Set the vise to hold your skis horizontally while you wax, and use the angled positions for edge tuning. This tough vise is easy to set up and compact enough to stash in a bag for travel. Metal ski vise for wide skis Fits skis up to 155mm (6.1in) underfoot *Note: Our in-house measurements revealed the range to be closer to 44 mm-158 mm. Includes center grip, tip grip, and tail grip Easy to set up, fits most tables and benches All metal construction with rubber grip pads Includes two natural rubber ski brake retainers Part Number: 5560037 UPC: 4250423601957
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Gender: Unisex
Season: Winter
Sport/Activity: Skiing/Snowboarding
Color: Yellow
Brand: Toko
Type: Ski Vise
Item Weight: 3 lbs