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Hotronic XLP One Battery Pack (each) | Replacement Accessories

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Hotronic XLP One Battery Pack (each) | Replacement Accessories The Hotronic Power XLP One Battery Pack is a replacement battery for your Hotronic Heat Socks. This Lithium Ion battery is fully rechargeable. Connect this battery to your heat socks to receive 3 constant heat power settings. On setting 1 the battery will put a steady heat flow between 82-95 F for 10-13.5 hours. Setting 2 will give you a temperature between 107-118F for 5-7 hours. Setting 3 will put out a range of 120-136 F for 3.5-5 hours. The battery pack also features a 4th setting that will give an extra blast of heat between 138-156F for 3 minutes then will divert back to setting 3 so your feet don't burn. After the battery is dead conveniently plug it in to your XLP Recharger (not included) and the battery will display the charge levels of 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% through its LED light indicators. One Battery pack for Hotronic XLP Heat Socks manufactured in Spring 2018 Fully rechargeable Charge Level LED Light Indicators 4 temperature settings from 82-156F (28-69C) Lasts up to 13.5 hours For more information on all Hotronic products, including installation, click here Part Number: 3306 elm.clearfix{*zoom:1}.clearfix:before,.clearfix:after{display:table;line-height:0;content:""}.clearfix:after{clear:both}.hide-text{font:0/0 a;color:transparent;text-shadow:none;background-color:transparent;border:0}.input-block-level{display:block;width:100%;min-height:30px;-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box}article,aside,details,figcaption,figure,footer,header,hgroup,nav,section{display:block}audio,canvas,video{display:inline-block;*display:inline;*zoom:1}audio:not([controls]){display:none}html{font-size:100%;-webkit-text-size-adjust:100%;-ms-text-size-adjust:100%}a:focus{outline:thin dotted #333;outline:5px auto -webkit-focus-ring-color;outline-offset:-2px}a:hover,a:active{outline:0}sub,sup{position:relative;font-size:75%;line-height:0;vertical-align:baseline}sup{top:-0.5em}sub{bottom:-0.25em}img{width:auto\9;height:auto;max-width:100%;vertical-align:middle;border:0;-ms-interpolation-mode:bicubic}#map_canvas img,.google-maps img{max-width:none}button,input,select,textarea{margin:0;font-size:100%;vertical-align:middle}button,input{*overflow:visible;line-height:normal}button::-moz-focus-inner,input::-moz-focus-inner{padding:0;border:0}button,html input[type="button"],input[type="reset"],input[type="submit"]{cursor:pointer;-webkit-appearance:button}label,select,b... Brand: Hotronic Season: Winter

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