Buying used gear is a sustainable way to score high-quality items at a fraction of the cost. Not only can you find great deals, but you might also stumble upon rare or discontinued gear that’s no longer available in stores. When buying a used strung lacrosse head, here's what to look for:
✔️ Check for frayed or worn strings, especially on the shooting and sidewall strings.
✔️ Check the knots on the strings; loose knots could cause them to shift or unravel while playing.
✔️ Check the pocket depth: too shallow hinders ball control, while too deep affects release and accuracy.
✔️ Look at the pocket's angle. Some players prefer a forward-leaning pocket, while others prefer a more neutral one.
✔️ Weathered or discolored strings may indicate excessive wear or sun exposure.
✔️ Check for excessive stretching in the mesh, as it can lose pocket integrity.
✔️ Inspect the lacrosse head for cracks, chips, or damage, especially in high-stress areas like the scoop and throat.
✔️ Make sure the head hasn't warped or bent.
✔️ Examine the throat area where the head connects to the shaft.
✔️ Stringing patterns can be tailored for specific positions (attack, midfield, defense), so choose one that fits your play style.
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