Buying used gear is a sustainable way to score high-quality items at a fraction of the cost. Not only can you find great deals, but you might also stumble upon rare or discontinued gear that’s no longer available in stores. When buying used hockey gloves, here's what to look for:
✔️ Check the palm for signs of tears or holes, which can arise from friction during use.
✔️ Inspect the exterior padding for tears or damage.
✔️ Small tears are usually acceptable, but large cuts can expose your hands to injury.
✔️ Ensure the padding is evenly distributed, especially over the knuckles, palms, and fingers.
✔️ While cleaning can help, heavily stained gloves may be too far gone for use.
✔️ Check seams for loose or fraying stitching, focusing on stress points between the fingers, palm, and cuff.
🏆 The best part of shopping used on SidelineSwap? We offer Buyer Protection and will issue you a full refund if your item is never shipped, arrives damaged, or is not as described. We also provide No-Questions-Asked returns with Seel. Learn more here.