1. Golf
  2. Clubs
  3. Fairway Woods
  4. Cobra Speed LD

Cobra Speed LD Fairway Wood

From: $24.99 - $45.68

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Cobra Speed LD Fairway Wood Buying Guide

About Cobra Speed LD Fairway Woods

The one and only Cobra Speed LD is an inexpensive fairway wood specially designed for advanced-level golfers that require easier ball hitting and faster ball speeds.

With an expansive club face for easier ball hitting, a stainless steel face for faster ball speeds, and a foam grip for more cushion, the Cobra Speed LD provides game winning performance.

ModelPriceLevel of PlayBuilt For
Cobra Speed LD$BeginnerEasier ball hitting and faster ball speeds

Cobra Speed LD - Key Features

  • An expansive club face for easier ball hitting.
  • A stainless steel face for faster ball speeds.
  • A foam grip for more cushion.

Cobra Speed LD - Specs

ModelFlexLoftLie Angle
Cobra Speed LDRegular18Standard
  • Flex: Regular
  • Loft: 18
  • Lie Angle: Standard

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