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  4. Zipp 404

Zipp 404 Bike Wheels, Wheelsets & Tires

From: $630.00 - $1,153.60
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  • Bikes
  • Drive Train
  • Wheels & Wheelsets
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Zipp 404 Bike Wheels, Wheelsets & Tires Frequently Asked Questions

Product Description

Zipp 404 wheels are Zipp’s original do-it-all wheel, with balanced rim depth that allows for efficient use in any riding condition. Its proprietary technology is the same as on the 303 model. The ABLC sawtooth and ShowStopper technologies are very prevalent with this rim. Another feature that Zipp uses here is their trademarked Moto technology, which is a single-walled rim that allows each side of the spokebed to have some movement when facing rougher terrain. This offers more compliance to make for a smoother ride over obstacles. All of this adds up to equal better durability and control at higher speeds.

Expert Notes

At 58mm deep, Zipp 404s are very well-balanced, between having enough aerodynamics and stiffness for speed, and being lightweight enough to ensure quality crosswind handling. The 404 is in the middle between the 303 and 808. It looks more like the 303 because it is closer in depth, yet its aerodynamics perform closer to those of the 808. On windy days, 404 wheels can be mixed and matched: you can ride with a 303 in the front, or the 404 can be used as a front with the same or deeper in the rear. The 404 truly provides an excellent middle ground option for all types of riders.